Attention : Copies of these listings may be made for your own personal use for networking purposes. On your honor you are not making use of these listings to sell merchandise, proselytize spam or otherwise make a nuisance of yourself.
Leaders, Druids, HP(S)s: The following only represents those individuals that have chosen to be listed. There are many, many other Pagans, Witches, Druids and others in our area. Many of these folk use the "Group" listings when seeking a coven, grove or circle.
Note: Periodically we send out email to those who are listed here and to those who have chosen not to be listed (but want to be informed of community events, etc.). If email to you bounces 3 times, we assume you are no longer interested and have failed to notify us of that. IOW, listings with inoperative email addresses will be deleted. Please keep us up to date so that this doesn't happen. Thanks & Blessings!
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