We present the listings on this page for your reference only. We do not endorse any of the shops listed here and claim no responsibility for their actions or the value therin. Pretty much this page reflects a stunning lack of metaphysical stores in Southern Oregon and the Northern California coast. What we are attempting to do here is list stores and businesses that carry items of interest to Pagans, as well as businesses that are owned and operated by Pagans. PLEASE HELP by letting us know when you find a new shop. We can't get everywhere. ;-)

Most of the businesses presented here were discovered when one of us shopped there and, for instance, found that hidden stash of Pentacles (or incense or candles or whatever) behind a counter in some out of the way place. Some of these businesses might be shocked to find themselves listed as a "Pagan" store. Please keep that in mind.

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* Ashland Community Foods , 2nd and "A" Street; Ashland. Mainly a "whole food store/co-op," they carry a fine selection of bulk herbs, candles, incense, magazines, other "craft" items.
*Blue Dragon Bookstore 297 E. Main St; Ashland. A used book store; it generally has the best selection of occult books in Ashland. Some of your old favorites too-- the ones you cut your "witchy" teeth on!
* The Green Man Cafe -- Coffeehouse above Bloomsbury's Book Shoppe, downtown Ashland.  A natural gathering place for Ashland Pagans you'd think.
*Paddington Station 125 E. Main St; Ashland. Best selection of Celtic music in the area! They carry some really obscure Breton titles as well. We found our morter and pestle here.
*Rare Earth On the Plaza, Ashland. Lots of Celtic t-shirts, "throws," wind-chimes, incense, stones, cards, art, etc.
SoundPeace Metaphysical Store, 199 E. Main St; Ashland OR; 541-482-3633. They're starting to carry more Pagan/Wiccan items, jewelry, "ritual herbs," magazines, etc.
Unicorn Gifts & Toys ; 250/252 Main St; Ashland; 541-488-5943 Much Pagan/Wiccan jewelry; Statues; Music; Tarot; Books; Toys & Games; Celtic and British Mythos items. Very cool store!
The Blue Moon Cafe -- Pagan owned and operated Coffeehouse. They also have a smallish amount of Paganly items for sale, as well as great coffee !

Never A Bum Steer, on "G" Street, has a goodly supply of incense, candles, "Keltic T-Shirts" by Welsh artist Jen Dyleth, and other items of Paganly interest (including Berkinstocks) .
The Herb Shop, which I'm sure must be the best source of herbs with the largest variety in the entire Rogue Valley, and possibly all of Southern Oregon. This establishment is on the corner of 4th and G streets in Grants Pass.

The Toadstool, kind of a '60's headshop, located just up the street from The Herb Shop. They have a lot of stuff of Paganly interest.

The Pagan Element, (online) and The Copper Cauldron, (in Jacksonville), offer many of the items that Pagans use in their daily lives, such as incense, vinegars, oils, candles, plus some of the more exotic things that just are not often found in the Rogue Valley, such as incense powders, 1300+ New Age Book Titles, 300+ New Age Music Titles, instructional videos/cd's, athames, swords, scourges, soaps, salts, etc. We are located at 205 North 5th Street, Jacksonville, Oregon 97530, check us out online or call us: 1-541-899-8898 or 1-888-7-Copper
*New West Imports has a goodly number of candles, candle holders and other items of "Paganly interest." They have three locations: Next to Staples in the Grants Pass Shopping Center off "D" Street; in Medford on Court St. and in Roseburg on Garden Valley Blvd.
*Pier 1 imports, 3425 Crater lake Highway, 541-608-6446 (Great selection of candles, candle holders, and other items that could be ritually useful)

Mystic Earth, located at 650 Jackson Street in the old downtown section of Roseburg, is a complete Metaphysical Book & Supply store. We feature a selection of new and used books on topics ranging from Wicca and Magick to Eastern Spirituality... With many other topics in the alternative realm as well! We stock everything you might need for tools and supplies including candles, athames, tarot decks and sets, incense, gemstones, a wide variety of wiccan and celtic jewelry, cd's, ritual clothing, statuary, etc. We also have a complete herbarium with a wide selection of bulk herbs and resins, essential oils, diffusers, herbals and apothocary bottles and jars. We also carry dragons, fairies, black light posters and other trippy things. Mystic Earth holds classes on a regular basis for everything from wicca and divination to medicinal herbology. Tarot readers are available in the store on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. To find the store take exit 124 off I-5 and turn right. Follow the road to Jackson and turn right again. Find a place to park and look for the purple awning (Next door to the Wells Fargo bank). For more information contact: Ron and Michelle at Mystic Earth, 650 SE Jackson Street, Roseburg, call 541-229-8899 or MysticEarth@cmspan.net

Matrix Botanical & Herb Corporation 541-878-1446 95 Chaparral Dr (Herbs, food supplements, vitamins, and Witchy/Pagan books, jewelry, other stuff. (Recommended by Fr. Phaedrus))

Wolf Creek Country Store ; 395 Old Hwy 99; Wolf Creek 541-866-2610. Jewelry, cards, statues, t-shirts, candles, incense and other Pagan related items.
Brigid's Cauldron --  a huge selection of Pagan jewelry, Wiccan and Pagan supplies, cauldrons, crystals, wands, runes, tarot decks, candles, books on magik,and all things Wiccan, bumperstickers, decals, music CD's, and much more . Run by members of SOORPANT .
Dwarvesong Offering hand-crafted embossed copper and brass plaques mounted on solid wood in Celtic, Pagan, astrological, & Egyptian designs. We also sell wrought iron candle holders and candelabras & ironwork. Custom book of shadows made of solid oak wrapped in brass or simply adorn with a brass or copper shield. Wedding ceremony books also wrapped in brass. Dwarvesong also carries cloak pins. We will be offering stone carvings.
Shop Wicca Online Ritual Supplies Store; www.shopwicca.com We have many handmade Items. And also many ritual items.  Ritual Candles, Spell kits, Athames, Bells, Books, Cauldrons,  ritual jewlery, ritual oils, ritual bath Items, herbs, incenses, resins, gift baskets, Tarot Readings, and so much more...
If you see something you would like please feel free to email us at shopwicca@yahoo.com
Bright Blessings to you all Star Shaw aka Shopwicca & The Herb Goddess
Owned by a member of Soorpant group & The Pagan Business Association

Northern Sun For years this has been my (Sybok's) source for left-wing political and activist bumperstickers, t-shirts, posters etc. They are apparently a bunch of Pagans, because in recent years they have started selling Pagan t-shirts, bumperstickers, posters and statues. Good prices too. I wish I could afford all of the t-shirts I like there.

Ubik Bookstore A web-based Occult bookstore also featuring unique custom made drums. Based in Ashland..

AzureGreen run by an intentional Pagan community in Middlefield MA, they offer a complete line of Pagan/Wiccan/Magickal supplies, books, crafts, bumperstickers and more!  You can order direct from their website, but their catalogue is much more comprehensive.  Write for one at AbyssDist@aol.com or snail-mail them at P.O. Box 48; Middlefield, MA 01243-0048. Their phone numbers are (413)623-2155 (Voice) or (413)623-2156 (Fax)

* Indicates that this listing was either found through a websearch or contributed by someone unassociated with the listing. This business does not know they are listed here. If you are an owner of a business so listed, and you disagree with this policy, email Aigeann . Your listing will be dropped within 3 working days of receipt -- no questions asked.

Listings last updated  25 May 2004(c.e.)

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Southern Oregon Pagan Network

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